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Greenhouse Coffee is Open for Business!

First 100 customers receive a free gift + special launch edition roast!

There's a World of Coffee to 

What you get with greenhouse :

Fully Customized

Accessible Language
Interesting Coffee Facts

A Guided Journey Across 350+ Coffee Growing Regions

Precision Roasting,
Optimized for Flavor & Aroma

Easy Brew Guides for
Cafe-Quality at Home

Free & Fast Shipping
Coffee Freshness Guarantee




Find Your Favorite Coffee

10% back to Local Causes

Calling all lovers of hands-on, one-of-a-kind experiences!


Imagine a completely unique and immersive coffee experience where you:

  • Walk away with your own hand-roasted coffee to share with family and friends or drink at home

  • Learn everything there is to know about brewing cafe-quality coffee at home (but in a relaxed, accessible way)

  • Enjoy a multi-course chef's tasting menu of specially curated coffees & desserts, trying some of the most interesting tasting coffees in the world and doing numerous side-by-side comparisons that showcase the amazing variety that exists between coffee growing regions and brewing methods (Not to mention the delicious accompanying desserts & unique coffee snacks beloved by different coffee-consuming cultures around the world)

  • Have a chance to see unroasted coffee up close + take in the sights, sounds, and smells of coffee throughout the roasting process + learn tons of interesting coffee facts along the way!


If this sounds interesting to you...

Join the waitlist to be one of the first to receive an invite!

Thanks!  We'll reach out soon!

Variety is the spice of life

With other coffee subscriptions, you get 1 or 2 bags of coffee per month - mostly generic blends that taste about the same and don't show you the variety and unique tastes of the hundreds of coffee-growing regions around the world. 

With Greenhouse Coffee, you'll get between 3 - 8 different small-batch bags of coffee per month depending on your plan - each one a totally unique tasting experience. It's like a tasting flight delivered to your door every month. In fact, you'll never receive the same coffee twice unless you loved it and specifically ask for it again!

Featured Coffee

Yemen Mokha Matari

Some of the highest growing coffee in the world at over 7000 ft, and some of the most unique tasting heirloom varieties of Arabica coffee you can find anywhere. Bold, flavorful, & hard to find in the US!

Available in 8oz and 16oz bags

teresa and pat's elopement-20_edited.jpg

Hello and thanks for checking out Greenhouse Coffee! I'm a geography-obsessed coffee enthusiast, a computer engineer and former Microsoft product manager, but above all - I'm passionate about sharing happiness and learning everything there is to know about my favorite drink!

With Greenhouse Coffee, my mission is to personalize your coffee experience and show you just how amazingly diverse the world of coffee can be. I guarantee you're going to discover something new every month that you love & encounter coffees that will challenge assumptions you hold about what you like and dislike. Your unique taste preferences are my guide to help you find your favorite coffees out of thousands of options (most of which I promise you've never seen at your local cafe or grocery store). My engineering background hasn't gone to waste - I've built my own coffee recommendation system from scratch based on the scientific principles of tasting plus a custom-designed dataset of world geography, geology, and climate/weather data, mixed with subjective tasting notes and observational data from tasting different coffee varieties and growing regions around the world.

I love exploring the world of coffee and strive to make it accessible and enjoyable for everyone - not just for those who live in places like Seattle, San Francisco, and Brooklyn which have hundreds of specialty coffee shops and large communities of coffee professionals. Those places have amazing coffee on pretty much every block - but they also have a reputation for coffee cultures that are not very welcoming to outsiders, lean heavily on inaccessible language / industry jargon, and are generally judgmental when it comes to adding milk & sugar to your coffee or prioritizing speed or convenience instead of perfect technique. For years I thought specialty coffee was just for a certain kind of person and that there honestly wasn't a big difference between the cheap coffee I could get at a grocery store and the more expensive bags listing fancy fermentation methods, pretentious-sounding tasting notes, or difficult-to-pronounce region names that you find in specialty cafes. I thought that it was too time consuming or simply not worth it to learn how to improve my pour-over technique; I thought that owning an espresso machine was the same as signing up for an extremely expensive life hobby like restoring old cars. I've since discovered that flavorful, complex, cafe-quality coffee can be for everyone; not only that, but you can have it every day in your own home without investing significant amounts of time and money into it. It would be my absolute joy to show you how, and to lead you on your personal coffee adventure of a lifetime!

 - Patrick Hayes

Founder, Greenhouse Coffee

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